Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Grand Canyon Rafting Trips Are The Perfect Team-Building Events ...

Looking to schedule an employee excursion to build morale in the workplace? Want it to happen somewhere memorable and have it be a really one-of-a-kind outdoor adventure experience? In that case, then the answer is simple: take a Grand Canyon white water rafting trip down the great Colorado River. When people think about seeing the Grand Canyon, they think about spring break trips with friends or family vacations. However, it?s also a fantastic working retreat for companies who want to treat their devoted employees and have them participate in team-building exercises. Grand Canyon white water rafting trips are exciting, enjoyable, and of course, completely extraordinary.

Grand Canyon river raft trips down a stretch of the Colorado River give people the chance to experience otherwise inaccessible areas of the national park. Guided raft trips on the river are great for big groups of families, friends or, as it were, employees working on team-building exercises. Besides the real excitement of white water rafting one of the world?s wildest rivers through the geological wonder that is the Grand Canyon, guided group trips with a commercial outfitter stand out for other reasons as well:

? Commercial outfitters take care of every preliminary step, including acquiring all permits; and gathering all boat, safety, cooking, waste disposal and sleeping gear. Additionally, they take care of all the meals and fresh water you?ll need for your journey.

? Every member in your group has to bring just a couple things, including a small bag of personal items including essential clothing and toiletries, and other items like a digital camera, sun glasses, hat, prescription medications, etc.

? Their guides serve as raft navigators, cooks, storytellers, hike leaders, resident conservationists, and all-around river experts

Your employees don?t have to be expert river dogs to go on a Colorado River rafting trip. Everyone should, however, be in good health with no serious physical impairments, and should be able to handle severe temperatures and be capable of trekking over tough terrain.

Assuming a company team-building adventure involves at least one overnight, here?s what you should expect from a typical day on the river:

? Wake up, eat breakfast and break down the camp

? Load up the rafts and head out for a few hours of incredible white water rafting; several mammoth rapids like Lava Falls and Crystal, await you!

? One or two stops along the way for a scenic side hike a ways up the canyon

? Stop for lunch (one of the hikes probably will happen at this time), and set out again

? Venture to the next camping area before the sun goes down, do the ?duffel shuffle? (unloading the rafts), make camp, eat dinner, and be entertained by your guide?s incredible story-telling skills

? Hit the hay, wake up, and do it all over again

If a getaway like this sounds too good to pass up, companies shouldn?t hesitate to contact a commercial Colorado River whitewater rafting outfitter. Aside from the obvious benefits of hiring an outfitter as described above, trying to acquire a private-use permit for Colorado River raft trips can be a disappointing experience, since it?s based on a lottery system. Going it alone also means you?ll need to put everything together yourself ? permits, load-in and load-out transport, boats, food, water, sleeping gear, etc. Save yourself a great deal of time, money and aggravation and employ a professional to do all this for your group, but be sure to plan well in advance because the spots fill up fast.

On an excursion like this, your employees? intelligence, skills and teamwork will be put to the ultimate test. The harsh, unbridled reality of Nature will expose any leaks in the boat, so to speak, and it will quickly become evident that only via trust and teamwork will the adventure be successful.

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